ryankeleti / ega

amateur translation project of Grothendieck's EGA.

Home Page:https://ryankeleti.com/ega

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


thosgood opened this issue · comments

a few things which i think could probably all be dealt with at the same time:

  1. "labels" are doubled: e.g. — (8.7.1).
  2. the table of contents at https://ega.fppf.site/browse doesn't seem to go any deeper than just the part level
  3. it would maybe be nice to switch the part numbering to roman numerals? so that we have II.8.7.1 etc.
  4. the env environment looks a bit odd in the table of contents (see image), but i'm not too sure what a better name for it would be...
  5. as in the image, environments in the TOC also have their 'title', but since this is just the number again, it might be nice to surpress it?

Screenshot 2020-01-26 at 21 15 47


part 1 is done


b0ec31d. all labels in project now use roman.x.y.z so it looks better. I'll get around to finishing part 3

(i don't see any changes to roman.x.y.z on the site, but maybe im just oblivious...)


no, they aren't updated. the reason for this is that plastex has different attributes for the Node object, i.e. obj.ref and obj.id. The issue is that since some environments have more than one label (like equation labels), the ids don't always match up. I'm working in fixing this


part 3 is now done

awesome! how much of a faff is it to do the same for the chapter/section numbering in the navigation breadcrumbs/TOC as well? (i'm guessing that this is the same as the numbering in the references too)


fixed it for references


fixed it for breadcrumbs/TOC

one last idea for part 3. (sorry!)... (also gonna edit the issue to make it clear what you've already done)
the TOC (https://ega.fppf.site/browse) says Part 0, Part I, etc.