ryanburgess / engineer-manager

A list of engineering manager resource links.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Suggestion: actual reasons

opened this issue · comments

The contributor who adds a new resource here should also add a description of the contents of the resource and what problem(s) it helps the reader with.

Otherwise the only way to find out if you'd be interested in a particular resource is to either evaluate its title (which is not always very helpful, I'm sure most would agree) or open the resource link (which is a complete waste of time since it implies you're doing it for ALL resources).


  • Awesome Book
    Reasons why you'd want to check it out.

Great suggestion! I've added an option to add a reason for why you're sharing a link. I'll work on adding reasons for some of the links but for now I'll close this issue.