rxdi / firelink

Firebase. gcloud and monorepos are not combining very well until they met @rxdi/firelink

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R-Iqbal opened this issue · comments


I am trying to setup Firelink with our existing Firebase project with support for Firebase emulators. We are using yarn 3 workspaces.


  "fireDependencies": {
    "@claimsgate/core": "../core"
  "dependencies": {
    "@claimsgate/core": "workspace:*"

firelink emulators:start --only "functions"

  • Emulator tries to start and the code from ../core is moved into ./packages/core
  • The code which is moved into ./packages/core is not compiled, will Firelink automatically compile this code given it has a tsconfig.json

Example function

  • I created an example function but an error is thrown when the emulators start.
import { functions, region } from "@/firebase";
import { hello } from "@claimsgate/core";

export const testFunction = functions.region(region).https.onRequest(async (req: any, res: any) => {

Emulator error

!  Error: Cannot find module '@claimsgate/core'
Require stack:
- C:\Users\Rayyan\Desktop\Work\Media Advancements\Projects\claimsgate\packages\claimsgate-functions\dist\endpoints\misc\testEndpoint.js
- C:\Users\Rayyan\Desktop\Work\Media Advancements\Projects\claimsgate\packages\claimsgate-functions\dist\endpoints\misc\index.js
- C:\Users\Rayyan\Desktop\Work\Media Advancements\Projects\claimsgate\packages\claimsgate-functions\dist\endpoints\index.js
- C:\Users\Rayyan\Desktop\Work\Media Advancements\Projects\claimsgate\packages\claimsgate-functions\dist\index.js
- C:\Users\Rayyan\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\firebase-tools\lib\emulator\functionsEmulatorRuntime.js

If this is the correct behaviour with Firelink then potentially the issue lies with my tsconfig in my functions folder.

Any ideas / advice would be great.

Solved it, I needed a top level index.ts in my claimsgate/core

Glad you make it !

If you do need some assistance please let me know.

Barrel export is really common practice to expose library specific logic to outside world.

