rwl / PyCIM

Python implementation of the Common Information Model.

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AssetInfo Not being read

sssaha opened this issue · comments

I have a CIM file that has an asset like this :
<cim:Asset rdf:ID="eo_cable_10606184"> <cim:Asset.type>CableAsset</cim:Asset.type> <>ONS-DA010000CARRU100157756</> <cim:Asset.PowerSystemResources rdf:resource="#eo_cable_segment_inst_10606181-NL.44859546-NH.45130804_25012915_A"/> <cim:Asset.PowerSystemResources rdf:resource="#eo_cable_segment_inst_10606181-NL.44859546-NH.48840836"/> <cim:Asset.AssetInfo rdf:resource="#eo_cable_spec_341116"/> </cim:Asset>
After reading the CIM file, through CIMread , assuming the variable is d,
I did this following
x = d['eo_cable_10606184']
And then;
This always shows blank, even for other objects too. Why is the AssetInfo defined in the CIM definition is not being initialized while creating this Asset object?