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Calendar Month Name Hidden on Mobile Model-Driven App

astynax777 opened this issue · comments

Hello. I was looking for a calendar control that displayed a month view on both desktop and mobile model-driven app, and this one looked like exactly what I wanted. The one major issue I ran into, however, was that the calendar view buttons at the top compress and cover over the month name and the buttons get pushed out of view on the mobile app on iPhone 7. Is there a simple configuration I overlooked to fix this? The month name is pretty important. For my case, if I could lock it in month view and remove all the other buttons so that the month name shows, that would suffice. Thanks in advance!

For right now you can use the 'Available Views' property to set the view to Month only which will remove all the other view buttons. The value for the Available Views property would just be month.

Available View property description: Allows you to chose which calendar view button show up for the user. This is a comma delimited list of the view names which are month,week,work_week,day,agenda.

This works perfect for my scenario. Thank you.

I think it's a good idea to add a feature to allow you to select the type of toolbar you want. For backwards compatibility I want to leave the current toolbar the way it is by default but allow you to select two other option.


  • Add new property called Toolbar Type with the following options, default, none, responsive
    • default would use the current one, i want to keep it this way because i know a lot of people are currently using this in Canvas and have added controls on top of these in the correct position.
    • none would allow you to turn the toolbar off completely in the case you are doing this in a Canvas app and you are using Canvas controls to update the calendar.
    • responsive would cause the buttons to resize based on screen size and it would also cause the elements to flow like this
      • Navigation Buttons
      • View Buttons
      • Date Label


I think that's a great idea. Optimally for my case, I would go with the responsive layout with the option to default to a particular view. With the limited real estate, I wonder how you can fit all three groups of elements on one line? How much control over the calendar control layout do you have? I didn't see much of a template there so I was curious how it could be customized. Would you have a drop-down for the view selector on smaller screens?

That is actually one area of the calendar I have complete control over. The calendar allows you to utilize your own toolbar. I very much like the idea of drop downs there instead of buttons for the responsive template, that would really cut down on size.