rvaiya / warpd

A modal keyboard-driven virtual pointer

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not working on hyprland

glyh opened this issue · comments

When I tried warpd --hint, it says:

[destroyed object]: error 4: surface was destroyed before its role object

I get the same error with Hyprland on NixOS. But the program also hangs and consumes 100% CPU which seems related to #214.


@glyh me too

I get the same error with Hyprland on NixOS. But the program also hangs and consumes 100% CPU which seems related to #214.

Same situation with Sway on ArchLinux.

warpd: v1.3.5 (built from: 5d27d1c) (installed via AUR package warpd)
sway: v1.9-dev-bbabb9aa (installed via AUR package sway-git)
archlinux: 6.6.7-arch1-1

did not work in hyprland with hyprland-portal which I prefer

I too am getting this error in Hyprland + NixOS

I spun up sway briefly to test in there and warpd works fine, so it's most likely a hyprland issue, although it could be something about how I have hyprland configured.

I don't know about nixos (since Arch btw) but, Have you tried building/installing after setting environment variable that disables building for X(DISABLE_X)?

I was banging my head for 2 days until I tried this, and it worked.