ruziniuuuuu / ME5414_Project

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ME5414 Project

Author: Cao Chenyu


This project undertakes a comparative study of two Linear Programming (LP) solvers: the classic Simplex method and the modern Barrier method. Our analysis is grounded on computational efficiency, tolerance sensitivity, and adaptability to diverse problem structures, utilizing a suite of standard LP test problems for a comprehensive evaluation.

Project Structure

├─ assets
│  ├─ results.png
│  ├─ results_constraints.png
│  ├─ results_tolerance.png
│  └─ results_variables.png
├─ data
│  ├─ adlittle.mps
│  ├─ afiro.mps
│  ├─ sc50a.mps
│  └─ share1b.mps
├─ matlabPaths.txt
├─ report_typ
│  ├─ main.pdf
│  ├─ main.typ
│  └─ refs.bib
├─ src
│  ├─ barrier_solver.m
│  ├─ generate_problems.m
│  ├─ load_problem_data.m
│  ├─ main.m
│  ├─ run_experiments.m
│  ├─ run_experiments_struct.m
│  ├─ run_tolerance_experiments.m
│  ├─ simplex_solver.m
│  ├─ visualize_results.m
│  ├─ visualize_results_constraints.m
│  ├─ visualize_results_variables.m
│  └─ visualize_tolerance_results.m
└─ startup.m


To run the experiments:

  1. Ensure MATLAB is installed and the paths are configured correctly in matlabPaths.txt.
  2. Navigate to the src/ directory and run main.m to execute all experiments.
  3. View results in the assets/ directory or compile the report_typ/ directory for the full report.


This project is part of coursework for ME5414. Contributions are limited to academic collaborations only.


This project is proprietary and confidential. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or use is strictly prohibited.


License:MIT License


Language:JetBrains MPS 69.3%Language:MATLAB 19.5%Language:Typst 10.1%Language:TeX 1.1%