ruudk / PostmarkBundle

This bundle lets you send messages via Postmark. It can offload the sending of messages to a Resque worker for speed and reliability.

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This bundle lets you send messages via Postmark. It can offload the sending of messages to a Resque worker for speed and reliability.


Step1: Require the package with Composer

php composer.phar require ruudk/postmark-bundle

Step2: Enable the bundles

Enable the bundles in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new BCC\ResqueBundle\BCCResqueBundle(),
        new Ruudk\PostmarkBundle\RuudkPostmarkBundle(),

Step3: Configure

Configure the bundle.

# app/config/config_prod.yml
    token: API KEY

Optionally, you can specify extra options

    delayed: true                # Offload everything to a Resque worker by default
    disable_delivery: false      # Set true for test environment
        email:   # Default from email
        name: My App, Inc        # Default from name
        queue: my-queue-name     # Resque queue name to use, default is 'postmark'
        timeout: 10              # Default Buzz\Curl timeout is 5
        connect_timeout: 2

If you want to configure the BCCResqueBundle, check the docs.

Congratulations! You're ready.


Composing messages

 * @var \Ruudk\PostmarkBundle\Postmark\Postmark $postmark
$postmark = $this->container->get('ruudk_postmark.postmark');

$message = $postmark->compose();

Sending messages

If you want to send the message directly:


To send the message to a Resque worker, add an extra delayed() method:



To send multiple messages in a batch (one API call):



Twig templates

This bundle supports Twig so that you can send a new message using a Twig template as a base.

Create a Twig template with a couple of blocks. It's not necessary to have them all.

{# AppBundle:Mail:email.html.twig #}
{% block subject %}
The subject of the message
{% endblock %}

{% block text %}
Hi {{ name }},

How are you today?
{% endblock text %}

{% block html %}
    <p>Hi <strong>{{ name }}</strong>,</p>
    <p>How are you today?</p>
{% endblock html %}

And compose the message:

$message = $postmark->compose('AppBundle:Mail:email.html.twig', array(
    'name' => 'Ruud'



If you want to use a Resque worker to send the messages you'll have to start the worker first: php app/console bcc:resque:worker-start -f postmark

Now when you send a message with the delayed() method the worker will pick it up and send it.


Ruud Kamphuis


This bundle lets you send messages via Postmark. It can offload the sending of messages to a Resque worker for speed and reliability.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%