rusty1s / pytorch_scatter

PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Scatter Operations

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You should improve python version of pytorch_scatter

forestbat opened this issue · comments

conda install pytorch-scatter -c pyg

Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: unsuccessful initial attempt using frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: unsuccessful attempt using repodata from current_repodata.json, retrying with next repodata source.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: unsuccessful initial attempt using frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: / 
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
This can take several minutes.  Press CTRL-C to abort.

UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found
to be incompatible with the existing python installation in your environment:


  - pytorch-scatter -> python[version='>=3.10,<3.11.0a0|>=3.8,<3.9.0a0|>=3.9,<3.10.0a0|>=3.7,<3.8.0a0|>=3.6,<3.7.0a0']

Your python: python=3.12

If python is on the left-most side of the chain, that's the version you've asked for.
When python appears to the right, that indicates that the thing on the left is somehow
not available for the python version you are constrained to. Note that conda will not
change your python version to a different minor version unless you explicitly specify

Now not only pytorch but also pytorch-geometric supports python 3.11 and 3.12, so I think you should improve version support for python.

This was related that conda-build was not compatible with Python 3.12 at the time we built the conda package, see Indeed good to revisit.

Now I use from torch_geometric.utils import scatter to instead this method.
Thank for your reply.