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`wasm-bindgen` 0.2.92 triggers `clippy::mem_forget`

Conaclos opened this issue · comments


wasm-bindgen 0.2.92 triggers the Clippy rule mem_forget. Is it expected?

error: usage of `mem::forget` on `Drop` type
  --> crates/biome_wasm/src/
24 | #[wasm_bindgen]
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: argument has type `wasm_bindgen::JsValue`
   = help: for further information visit
   = note: this error originates in the attribute macro `wasm_bindgen` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

I think this is the mem::forget it's picking up on:


There's an #[allow(clippy::all)] right above it that's supposed to prevent issues like this, but I'm now realising that I've misunderstood how that works a bit: clippy::all isn't actually all of clippy's lints, it's clippy's default set of lints, which doesn't include mem_forget.

What we should really be using is #[automatically_derived], which does disable all lints - I'll make a PR switching it to use that.

What we should really be using is #[automatically_derived], which does disable all lints - I'll make a PR switching it to use that.

Hm, seems like I was wrong: Clippy still throws a warning on this code even though it uses #[automatically_derived]:

struct Foo;
impl Foo {
    fn test() {

Searching for automatically_derived in rustc/clippy's source code, and looking back at the original PR where we started using it (#2719), it seems like specific lints manually disable themselves if they see it, wherever it makes sense.

So I'm not really sure what the best solution is then, other than just spamming #[allow(clippy::all, clippy::nursery, clippy::pedantic, clippy::restriction)] everywhere.