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Migrating peers from Windows 11 to MacOS Sonoma

gilvandev opened this issue · comments

Bug Description

When I've tried to copy my peers from Windows 11 'AppData/Roaming/RustDesk/peers' to MacOS Sonoma '/Users/MyUser/Library/com.carriez.RustDesk/peers'... reload the app on MacOS get stuck on "Generating..." on ID field and no peers shows on the list

How to Reproduce

Copy the peers files from a Windows machinhe/vm to other machine with MacOS Sonoma (14.5)

Expected Behavior

Show the peers list on flutter UI like a normal history of connection

Operating system(s) on local side and remote side

Windows 11 -> macOS Sonoma (14.5)

RustDesk Version(s) on local side and remote side

1.2.4 -> 1.2.4


Captura de Tela 2024-05-23 às 21 02 43
Captura de Tela 2024-05-23 às 21 01 57
Captura de Tela 2024-05-23 às 21 04 36

Additional Context

Tried too with RustDesk versions 1.2.4 to 1.2.3-2