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Font rendering issue with some languages in aarch64 version.

ambitiousCC opened this issue · comments

Bug Description

  1. When attempting to run the aarch64 version (including both AppImage and .deb installation methods) on the third-party Linux operating system KylinOS-arm64, font rendering issues occur with Chinese, Japanese, and other languages. However, similar issues are not observed in the x86_64 version of the same system. All normal functionalities seem to work properly. Additionally, it's noticed that there are differences in the output information between the two versions. Could this be a software compatibility issue?
  • kylinOS - arm64
  • kylinOS - x86_64 - The first run generates additional output related to font configuration.
  1. When compiled and installed according to the project's instructions, running the application eventually results in a segmentation fault. Even in the Debug version, no crucial information is provided to further identify and address the issue. However, it's worth noting that the release version runs without any problems. Could this be due to incompatibility issues with the latest version of the code?

How to Reproduce

You can reproduce this issue by installing the ARM version of the system. Download link

Expected Behavior

The font display issue across various languages has been fixed, and we've also addressed the issue of the local code not running properly.

Operating system(s) on local side and remote side

all -> Linux - arm64

RustDesk Version(s) on local side and remote side

all -> all


  • x86其他语言也能够正常显示

Additional Context

These issues might also stem from system-related issues, but there are unclear aspects on the software side as well. Let's discuss and see if we can find a solution.