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FreeBSD server generates new key on restart

tschettervictor opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When the FreeBSD RustDesk server is restarted it generates a new key, which is not preferable. Version 1.1.8_1

Describe the environment
TrueNAS Core 13 FreeBSD Jail

How to Reproduce the bug
Install Using
pkg install rustdesk-server
Then on each restart the key file contains a different key.

Expected behavior
I expect the key to persist across a reboot.


I created and maintain the FreeBSD port.

I have recently observed this too. I have no idea why right now.

This requires investigation. I'll followup here once I have some findings to share.

One thing I can confirm right away is that the key is not regenerated at every restart. It happens "sometimes", caused by unknown factors. This makes debugging the issue more difficult.

Take time, I have never used freebsd. :(


I identified the issue. Nothing wrong in rustdesk-server itself.

The issue is caused by the rc scripts I included in the FreeBSD port, putting DB and key files in /var/run, which is not preserved across reboots.

Fix is using the proper directory according to hier(7) man page, /var/db.

I'll fix this in the FreeBSD ports tree. This issue can be closed since there really is no problem in rustdesk-server itself.