rust-osdev / bootloader

An experimental pure-Rust x86 bootloader

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Boot prcess gets sometimes stuck at "TRACE: exiting boot services" when using Uefi and qemu

daniel-keitel opened this issue · comments

When running qemu-system-x86_64 -bios {ovmf_pure_efi_path} -drive format=raw,file={uefi_path} -smp {core_count}
the bootloader gets sometimes stuck at:

INFO : UEFI bootloader started
INFO : Using framebuffer at 0xc0000000
INFO : Reading configuration from disk was successful
INFO : Trying to load ramdisk via Disk
INFO : Ramdisk not found.
TRACE: exiting boot services

Higher core counts for the -smp argument result in a higher likelihood of it getting stuck.
(I am not sure if it even occurred once at -smp 1)

Thanks for reporting! Not sure what could cause this, but I'll try to reproduce this when I have some time.