rust-osdev / bootloader

An experimental pure-Rust x86 bootloader

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bootloader_api Bootloader_Config aslr causes crash

interstellarfrog opened this issue · comments

when using aslr it causes a crash before even entering the kernel is there any specific requirements to use this?


pub static BOOTLOADER_CONFIG: BootloaderConfig = {
    let mut config = BootloaderConfig::new_default();
    config.mappings.physical_memory = Some(Mapping::Dynamic);
    config.mappings.page_table_recursive = None;
    config.mappings.aslr = true;

entry_point!(kernel_main, config = &BOOTLOADER_CONFIG);


INFO : Framebuffer info: FrameBufferInfo { byte_len: 2764800, width: 1280, height: 720, pixel_format: Bgr, bytes_per_pixel: 3, stride: 1280 }

INFO : 4th Stage

INFO : BiosInfo { stage_4: Region { start: 130000, len: 2b2f8 }, kernel: Region { start: 1000000, len: 223ad0 }, ramdisk: Region { start: 1224000, len: 104 }, config_file: Region { start: 1224104, len: d2 }, last_used_addr: 12241d5, framebuffer: BiosFramebufferInfo { region: Region { start: fd000000, len: 2a3000 }, width: 500, height: 2d0, bytes_per_pixel: 3, stride: 500, pixel_format: Bgr }, memory_map_addr: ed38, memory_map_len: 7 }

INFO : BIOS boot

Using max logging no errors or warnings it just crashes works fine without aslr

after more testing this only seems to work for UEFI

If this is only intended for UEFI maybe specifying this in the description of the field would be helpful

Can you provide an example kernel which doesn't boot with ASLR? This should work fine and is not only intended for booting with UEFI. I tried enabling ASLR in your project at and it booted just fine.

Can you provide an example kernel which doesn't boot with ASLR? This should work fine and is not only intended for booting with UEFI. I tried enabling ASLR in your project at and it booted just fine.

@Freax13 thanks for checking this it seems to work fine now, for some reason before it only worked with UEFI probably my fault