rust-osdev / bootloader

An experimental pure-Rust x86 bootloader

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Dependency compilation fail

kimtahen opened this issue · comments

In rustc 1.70.0-nightly (ab654863c 2023-03-15), bincode which is one of the dependencies of bootloader crate is not compiled because of internal compiler error.
스크린샷 2023-03-17 오후 11 46 15

But, in rustc 1.69.0-nightly, it compiles fine.

There was some nightly breakage in that specific Rust nightly. The next nightly fixed this again (511364e78 2023-03-16).

I tried both the specified nightly (2023-03-16), as well as the latest one (2023-05-07), and compilation fails for me with the same error (Fedora 38).

Never mind, I tested with the wrong nightly version - the one @phil-opp mentioned works for me. Probably still worth mentioning that the latest nightly is broken again.

(pro tip: If you rustup override set nightly-2023-03-16, you get the broken one, use rustup override set nightly-2023-03-17 instead. No idea why.)