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Rename `curly-quotes` config option to `smart-punctuation`

virtualritz opened this issue · comments

See here. What pulldown-cmark does is replace quotes but also dashes and ellipses.

Basically this turns something like:

"He took the boat Paris---Rome ... When he arrived he exclamated -- instantly -- 'Heureka!'."


“He took the boat Paris—Rome … When he arrived he exclamated – instantly – ‘Heureka, I found a secret waterway!’.”

Hi @virtualritz,

You might already know this, but for completeness: the curly-quotes option does the last part. However, it doesn't localize the quotes based on the language and it doesn't handle dashes either.

I updated this ticket. The feature is actually fully there as of lately but wrongly named now.

And w/o support for foreign quotes -- I opened a ticket in pulldown-cmark for this.