rust-lang / mdBook

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MathJax inside HTML `details` tag

your-diary opened this issue · comments


Is is possible to render MathJax inside <details> tag?


    {}_{N - 1} C _{M - 1}


▼ Proof
\\[ {}_{N - 1} C _{M - 1} \\]

(The equation is output as it is. Not rendered...)

By the way, I use mdbook for mathematical writing (rather than LaTeX), and I sometimes want to embed a long proof inside a <details> tag.

I tried this with the mdbook-katex preprocessor and it is rendered. I recommend you to give it a shot.

Note that you currently have to use $ and $$ instead, though.
Edit: mdbook-latex supports custom delimiters now.

Steven Hé (Sīchàng)


I just tested it today and it worked like a charm.
Thank you for your suggestion and I'm sorry for my very late reply.


Finally found a solution without the need of mdbook-katex.

Just insert an empty line after the closing </summary> tag.


    {}_{N - 1} C _{M - 1}

ref: #2145