rust-lang / mdBook

Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust

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rustup can show this book but after change color it is not remain for other pages

esmaeelE opened this issue · comments

URL to the section(s) of the book with this problem:
In rustup help command rustup --help we read that run book with rustup doc --book

Description of the problem:
But after run book if change the color it can not remain when open another page on book.

Suggested fix:
It seems related to css issue.

I file a bug in rustup page they say it relates to mdbook.
rust-lang/book#3354 (comment)

The issue is that some browsers have restrictions around how local storage works with file:// URLs.

rustup will likely need to support some kind of local webserver in order to work around that. This is essentially a duplicate of rust-lang/rustup#2151, so closing in favor of that.