rust-lang / a-mir-formality

a model of MIR and the Rust type/trait system

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add a (in-scope (type ty)) predicate for types

nikomatsakis opened this issue · comments

Right now, when a function or impl is supposed to get "implied bounds" from a type Foo, we add (well-formed (type Foo)) to the environment. In the "expanded implied bounds" proposal this made sense, but it doesn't work well for modeling the more limited version of implied bounds that rust uses. For example, this function is not well-formed in rustc today:

struct WantsOrd<T: Ord>(T);

fn foo<T>(x: WantsOrd<T>) { }

fn main() { }

Compiling it gives an error because T: Ord is required (playground).

But in a-mir-formality, we would have trouble producing this error: we would try to prove (well-formed (type (user-ty (WantsOrd T)))) but that is also in the environment, so it would be true.

To solve this, I think we should add a new predicate, (in-scope (ParameterKind Parameter)). This would be added to the environment for a function and it would also have to be proven when invoking a function (these are basically implied where-clauses, though we have no where-clause syntax for it). We would have a built-in rule that says:

(in-scope (ParameterKind Parameter)) :- (well-formed (ParameterKind Parameter))

and we would create the invariants based on in-scope (so, with expanded implied bounds, we would say that, for all T, (in-scope (type (user-ty (WantsOrd T)))) => (is-implemented (Ord T)), for example).