russellsamora / enter-view

Dependency-free JavaScript library to detect when element enters into view

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Detect also when scrolling from bottom to top

ghisleouf opened this issue · comments

Hi !

Is there a way to make it detecting if an element enter to viewport even when I'm scrolling from bottom to top ?
Currently, as far as I understand, it only works scrolling from top to the bottom of the page.
Is there a way to make it work on both sense ?

Thanks for your feedback.

Best !

Currently no, though you could extend the code so it does that direction as well. However, there is an option exit callback, which does work in the reverse direction. So you could create an additional item that would trigger on exit to notify that is invisible in the same location possibly. I've used a similar effect here.

@ghisleouf if you want behavior that is more like scrollama or graph-scroll (i.e. triggering the enter callback in the reverse direction), you can add a "bottom edge condition" to the entered boolean .

function updateScroll() {
  elements = elements.filter(el => {
    const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
    const { top, bottom } = rect; // line 51
    const entered = top < targetFromTop && bottom > targetFromTop; // line 52

Hey @jsonkao I had this exact issue and your few lines fixed it. Thank you very much!

@russellgoldenberg any reason not to add these lines to your project?

Yeah the problem with this logic (just tested it out) is that it only fires when the element is within that specific region. So if you were to jump the page rather than scroll (eg. on refresh, anchor link, etc) it wouldn't fire, even if the element is in view.

Aw, shucks. Well, if I get more time on this project to get it working I may have a PR at some point!