russelg / PySteam

Python interface for Steam web chat.

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PySteam :shipit:

Python interface for Steam Web Chat.

Ported from node-steamcommunity. Includes a port of node-steamid as well.

Packages Required

pip install requests pycryptodome pyee enum34 pyquery future munch

py.test also needs to be installed for testing, if developing. ipython is used for interactivity in the examples.


import the Steam API

import steamapi
steam = steamapi.steamapi()

Define the events you need to respond to with the pyee event decorators.

The current events emitted are:

  • chat_persona_state
  • chat_message
    • sender: instance of steamapi.SteamID, containing the sender's ID
    • message: the message the sender has sent
    • own: if the sender of the message was your own account (in that case sender is instead the recipient)
  • chat_typing

Which can be invoked like so:

def chatPersonaStateHandler(steam_id, persona, old_persona):

def chatMessageHandler(sender, text, own):
    # keep in mind that when `own` is true, the sender is infact
    # the recipient of the message, with the actual sender being
    # steam.steam_id (yourself)
    # (you can get your own persona through steam.accountPersona)
    # this only happens when using multiple clients for chat AFAIK
    print[str(sender.as_64)].name + ':', text
    if text.lower() == "ping":, "pong")

def chatTypingHandler(steam_id):

Logging in can be achieved through this code snippet:

status = steam.login(username=username, password=password)
while status != steamapi.enums.LoginStatus.LoginSuccessful:
    if status == steamapi.enums.LoginStatus.TwoFactor:
        token = input("Two-factor Token: ")
        status = steam.retry(twofactor=token)
    elif status == steamapi.enums.LoginStatus.SteamGuard:
        steamguard = input("SteamGuard Code: ")
        status = steam.retry(steamguard=steamguard)
    elif status == steamapi.enums.LoginStatus.Captcha:
        captcha = input("CAPTCHA: ")
        status = steam.retry(captcha=captcha)

(replace input with raw_input on Python 2)

Status will be SteamAPI.enums.LoginStatus.LoginSuccessful once you have logged in. From here, you can call to initiate a connection with the chat API.

After you have logged in, will be populated with the persona of the users on your friends list, as a dict with their SteamID64 as the key.

Nothing will be needed past this in terms of Steam connection. Once you have finished doing what you're doing, call to gracefully disconnect from the Steam chat servers.

Quick Tangent: SteamID

I have also ported node-steamid to Python. It can be initialized with:

  • STEAM_0:0:34589227 (Steam ID2)
  • [U:1:69178454] (Steam ID3)
  • 76561198029444182 (Steam64 ID)
  • 69178454 (Steam32 ID)

In these examples, sid = SteamID('STEAM_0:0:34589227') It exposes these methods:

  • sid.is_valid()
  • SteamID.from_account_id(account_id)

And these properties:

  • sid.accountid
  • sid.type
  • sid.instance
  • sid.universe

Rendered Forms (properties):

  • sid.as_64 (e.g. 76561198029444182)
  • sid.as_32 (e.g. 69178454)
  • sid.as_steam2 (e.g. STEAM_0:0:34589227)
  • sid.as_steam3 (e.g. [U:1:69178454])

Persona Data

A persona is a dictionary of user info, usually like so:

    'avatar_hash': 'eed791eee6442a03a5acb2470289ee4c0f5995aa',
    'ingame': False,
    'ingame_app_id': None,
    'ingame_name': None,
    'name': 'sgfc.yuuna',
    'nickname': None,
    'state': <steamapi.enums.PersonaState.Online: 1>,
    'state_flags': <steamapi.enums.PersonaStateFlag.OnlineUsingWeb: 256>,
    'steam_id': SteamID.SteamID('76561198047347491')
  • avatar_hash is the hash of the user's Steam avatar.
    • Use steamapi.utils.url_avatar(avatar_hash) to get the full URL.
  • ingame is a boolean describing if the user is currently playing a game on Steam or not.
  • ingame_app_id is the Steam AppID of the game currently being played if inGame is true, else it is None.
  • ingame_name is the name of the game currently being played if inGame is true, else it is None.
  • name is the steam display name set by the user.
  • nickname is your user-set nickname.
  • state is the user's online status on Steam. One of:
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaState.Offline
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaState.Online
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaState.Busy
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaState.Away
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaState.Snooze
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaState.LookingToTrade
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaState.LookingToPlay
  • state_flags describes if the user is using a special mode of Steam in chat.
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaStateFlag.HasRichPresence
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaStateFlag.InJoinableGame
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaStateFlag.OnlineUsingWeb
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaStateFlag.OnlineUsingMobile
    • steamapi.enums.PersonaStateFlag.OnlineUsingBigPicture
  • steam_id is an instance of steamapi.SteamID.

Sending Messages

Messages can be sent via the method., message)


Python interface for Steam web chat.



Language:Python 100.0%