rushi-the-neural-arch / SLAM-Resources-for-Beginner

Highly recommended resources for SLAM newbies (Lecture, Reviewed paper, Books, Tutorial, etc)

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SLAM is an abbreviation for "Simultaneous localization and mapping".

SLAM is a field with high entry barriers for beginners.

As a beginner learning SLAM, I created this repository to organize resources that can be used as a reference when learning SLAM for the first time.

I made this repository based on the content from the SLAM KR community and the activities of my github followers!

If you are Korean, you will prefer to look



  • Some Math Basics often used in Photogrammetry (Cyrill Stachniss, 2021) [Youtube]

An brief, informal collection of math basics and tools that are often used in Photogrammetry (SVD, Least Squares with Gauss Newton)

  • Linear Algebra Primer - Stanford Vision Lab [pdf]

Lecture slide for Linear Algebra Review


Roadmap to becoming a Visual-SLAM developer

Review Paper & Survey Paper


  • "SLAM tutorial : Part 1" By H. Durrant-Whyte and T. Bailey (IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 2006) - [pdf]
  • "SLAM tutorial : Part 2" By H. Durrant-Whyte and T. Bailey (IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 2006) - [pdf]
  • "Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: Toward the Robust-Perception Age" By C. Cadena et al. (IROS 2016) - [pdf]

Visual SLAM & Visual Odometry

  • "Visual Odometry Part I: The First 30 Years and Fundamentals" By Davide Scaramuzza and Friedrich Fraundorfer - [pdf]
  • "Visual Odometry Part II: Matching, Robustness, Optimization, and Applications" By Davide Scaramuzza and Friedrich Fraundorfer - [pdf]
  • "A Comparison of Modern General-Purpose Visual SLAM Approaches" By Alexey Merzlyakov et al. (IROS 2021) - [pdf]

Visual-Inertial SLAM

  • "Visual-Inertial Navigation: A Concise Review" By Guoquan Huang (ICRA 2019) - [pdf]


  • Mobile Robotics course for the Winter 2020 Semester at the University of Michigan - [Webpage]
  • Mobile Sensing And Robotics 2 By Stachniss (2021) - [Webpage]


  • Probabilistic Robotics By Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard and Dieter Fox - [Webpage], [pdf]
  • Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, 2nd ed. By Richard Szeliski - [Webpage]


Recommended github repository

SLAM Trend

This repository tracks advancement of SLAM system. (2021 ver)

Visual SLAM

The English version of 14 lectures on visual SLAM. You could see source code in Slambook2.

pySLAM contains a monocular Visual Odometry (VO) pipeline in Python.

An OpenCV based implementation of Monocular Visual Odometry

Lidar SLAM

This codebase proposes modular light python and pytorch implementations of several LiDAR Odometry methods.

Full-python LiDAR SLAM using ICP and Scan Context


Python sample codes for robotics algorithms.

Kalman Filter book using Jupyter Notebook.

3D Vision

An Invitation to 3D Vision: A Tutorial for Everyone


Highly recommended resources for SLAM newbies (Lecture, Reviewed paper, Books, Tutorial, etc)