ruphaa / es-explorer

A resource to help find all the JS features for different ECMA versions with illustrated usage in one place

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ES Explorer

Explore all the JS features available for your favorite ES Version. This project is inspired from Sarah Drasner's Array and Object Explorer. I personally felt, how awesome it will be if we have something similar to showcase JS features released for every new ECMA version. That's how this idea was born.

The MVP of this application is done. The rest of the ECMA versions are work in progress. Once I've updated the rest of the versions(up to date releases), I'll tweet about it here and update the website and repo.

Supported ES Features: ES6, ES7, ES8

Interesting note: This site is responsive and sooner will become accessible.


A resource to help find all the JS features for different ECMA versions with illustrated usage in one place


Language:JavaScript 84.3%Language:CSS 12.2%Language:HTML 3.5%Language:Shell 0.0%