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dkonha01 opened this issue · comments

I get the following error message when Processing connects to Runway:
"couldn't find runwayErrorEvent callback in sketch, ignoring data"


"inputs":[{"samplingMean":0,"default":null,"length":128,"name":"z","description":null,"type":"vector","samplingStd":2},{"default":"tench, Tinca tinca","oneOf":["tench, Tinca tinca","goldfish, Carassius auratus","great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, ...

"Error, disabling runwayInfoEvent()"

@dkonha01 Apologies for the late reply.

Can you please provide a few more details about this category index error ?
What is the error message ? Do you have a simple snippet I could try to replicate the issue ?

Regarding the couldn't find runwayErrorEvent callback in sketch, ignoring data section, that means you sketch doesn't have a runwayErrorEvent, for example:

public void runwayErrorEvent(String message){

What model are you using ?

When I run the BigGAN example I get two errors:

  1. When I press the SPACE bar to request an image I get the following error un RunwayML:

{"error":"Error during inference: ValueError('cannot reshape array of size 140 into shape (1,128)',).","traceback":["File "/miniconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/runway/", line 141, in command_route\n raise reraise(InferenceError, InferenceError(repr(err)), sys.exc_info()[2])","File "/miniconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 695, in reraise\n raise value.with_traceback(tb)","File "/miniconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/runway/", line 139, in command_route\n output_data = command_fn(self.model, deserialized_inputs)","File "", line 41, in generate_from_vector\n z = np.array(inp['z']).reshape((1, 128))"]}

  1. When I try to change categories with the LEFT/RIGHT keys I get the following error message in Processing:

at com.runwayml.ModelUtils.fromBase64(Unknown Source)
at BigGAN.runwayDataEvent(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.runwayml.Runway.dispatchData(Unknown Source)
at com.runwayml.RunwayHTTP.sendQuery(Unknown Source)
at com.runwayml.RunwayHTTP.query(Unknown Source)
at BigGAN.keyPressed(
at processing.core.PApplet.keyPressed(
at processing.core.PApplet.handleKeyEvent(
at processing.core.PApplet.dequeueEvents(
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(
at processing.awt.PSurfaceAWT$12.callDraw(
at processing.core.PSurfaceNone$

@dkonha01 It looks like the model changed a bit and the z vector has 128 components not 140.

I may do fix in the next few days (and probably change the string to a float array).

In the meantime could you try tweaking the z declaration at the top of the example like so:

String z = "[0.7724706985220299, -0.4935352445386155, 0.2593357840584296, -0.05743993482325836, 0.12922740189943813, -0.060854071580116284, 0.07779830974178048, 0.18591635221794583, 0.09204426513037678, 0.268461073932552, -0.14970301672565567, 0.03862303139078582, 0.07271976281960693, 0.007121388855950386, -0.5069413947533913, -0.3016005623282333, -0.2920439260204202, 0.0295308185555595, 0.16109896520491807, 0.7723146038226892, 0.11192404162410646, -0.8726172013185323, 0.29947722555274314, 0.026325803732270055, 0.6236836525482027, -0.372698611973506, -0.05011597055774075, 0.3660891904537052, 0.25454821768290364, -0.6378830373939408, 0.5215835565314639, 0.3318826133990969, 0.10021523540248883, 0.14069006313433852, -0.38841455340610725, 0.5985318346184829, 0.013850558924667838, 0.2854599746774973, -0.3341204895186766, -0.4755360858115585, -0.02342583193809257, -0.07100704662583471, -0.11419099265351242, 0.2105769109992658, -0.3679241862481314, 0.1710232283991349, -0.19673291892127817, 0.4601336381707294, 0.016799314952714136, 0.32061601187616756, 0.07927030386199643, -0.3091743644373721, -0.4562185027283634, 0.4181295648821426, -0.4263505103385551, -0.2555957058426298, 0.3870287193853762, 0.19119020483648722, 0.458403869615646, -0.3086904491088613, -0.6981333194280939, 0.41109764683152983, -0.030187214371002274, 0.18437403028970195, 0.23492772479034263, -0.4795481034726173, -0.1632641132816952, 0.4028936323088781, -0.006844683102349605, -0.020974318581923376, 0.49665969611449967, -0.07669994829341059, -0.08075611451693354, 0.05059452457912972, 0.1269498344771861, 0.226235960163477, 0.2615467208420373, -0.7571567903391764, -0.24550549778162034, -0.23809037646188924, -0.014359179879207887, 0.32586786327073414, -0.10340666918821795, -0.45584681163743856, 0.10399542736170442, -0.2141247756958835, 0.21001790249356353, 0.13962871777427782, 0.01615356911672447, -0.5676829745278167, -0.32422784609220023, -0.2796470245062035, -0.04064660459311962, 0.2354834772004773, -0.21663294994273885, -0.1576731670876877, 0.39628375714654224, 0.2908319752122952, -0.30473026166065076, -0.3946504032852317, 0.5397363017624044, 0.40991068583696294, 0.6025498951409232, -0.27893581171240944, 0.26376608238660637, -0.37149186635243897, -0.16643279259996024, 0.05066529520523722, 0.17628791083318915, 0.14736760837688206, 0.02222836588745039, -0.24714092995513795, -0.019522288876607247, -0.23830087746793802, 0.3489243241854584, 0.31710870136528924, -0.36014639076417326, 0.24290714807418015, 0.003521384072587279, 0.4394382985702696, -0.1593721594350416, 0.09790779287771165, -0.21306143680434336, 0.22204710067614605, -0.005431850712497521, 0.3446260435686303, 0.03810049055705578, -0.35938716082257766]";

something like this:

// Copyright (C) 2019 RunwayML Examples
// This file is part of RunwayML Examples.
// Runway-Examples is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Runway-Examples is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with RunwayML.  If not, see <>.
// ===========================================================================


// BigGAN Demo:
// Receive HTTP messages from Runway
// Running BigGAN
// example by George Profenza

// import Runway library
import com.runwayml.*;
// reference to runway instance
RunwayHTTP runway;

// The data coming in from Runway as a JSON Object {}
JSONObject data;

// Storage for received Runway image data
PImage runwayResult;

// example input vector
String[] categories;
int categoryIndex;
String category = "tiger, Panthera tigris";
String z = "[0.7724706985220299, -0.4935352445386155, 0.2593357840584296, -0.05743993482325836, 0.12922740189943813, -0.060854071580116284, 0.07779830974178048, 0.18591635221794583, 0.09204426513037678, 0.268461073932552, -0.14970301672565567, 0.03862303139078582, 0.07271976281960693, 0.007121388855950386, -0.5069413947533913, -0.3016005623282333, -0.2920439260204202, 0.0295308185555595, 0.16109896520491807, 0.7723146038226892, 0.11192404162410646, -0.8726172013185323, 0.29947722555274314, 0.026325803732270055, 0.6236836525482027, -0.372698611973506, -0.05011597055774075, 0.3660891904537052, 0.25454821768290364, -0.6378830373939408, 0.5215835565314639, 0.3318826133990969, 0.10021523540248883, 0.14069006313433852, -0.38841455340610725, 0.5985318346184829, 0.013850558924667838, 0.2854599746774973, -0.3341204895186766, -0.4755360858115585, -0.02342583193809257, -0.07100704662583471, -0.11419099265351242, 0.2105769109992658, -0.3679241862481314, 0.1710232283991349, -0.19673291892127817, 0.4601336381707294, 0.016799314952714136, 0.32061601187616756, 0.07927030386199643, -0.3091743644373721, -0.4562185027283634, 0.4181295648821426, -0.4263505103385551, -0.2555957058426298, 0.3870287193853762, 0.19119020483648722, 0.458403869615646, -0.3086904491088613, -0.6981333194280939, 0.41109764683152983, -0.030187214371002274, 0.18437403028970195, 0.23492772479034263, -0.4795481034726173, -0.1632641132816952, 0.4028936323088781, -0.006844683102349605, -0.020974318581923376, 0.49665969611449967, -0.07669994829341059, -0.08075611451693354, 0.05059452457912972, 0.1269498344771861, 0.226235960163477, 0.2615467208420373, -0.7571567903391764, -0.24550549778162034, -0.23809037646188924, -0.014359179879207887, 0.32586786327073414, -0.10340666918821795, -0.45584681163743856, 0.10399542736170442, -0.2141247756958835, 0.21001790249356353, 0.13962871777427782, 0.01615356911672447, -0.5676829745278167, -0.32422784609220023, -0.2796470245062035, -0.04064660459311962, 0.2354834772004773, -0.21663294994273885, -0.1576731670876877, 0.39628375714654224, 0.2908319752122952, -0.30473026166065076, -0.3946504032852317, 0.5397363017624044, 0.40991068583696294, 0.6025498951409232, -0.27893581171240944, 0.26376608238660637, -0.37149186635243897, -0.16643279259996024, 0.05066529520523722, 0.17628791083318915, 0.14736760837688206, 0.02222836588745039, -0.24714092995513795, -0.019522288876607247, -0.23830087746793802, 0.3489243241854584, 0.31710870136528924, -0.36014639076417326, 0.24290714807418015, 0.003521384072587279, 0.4394382985702696, -0.1593721594350416, 0.09790779287771165, -0.21306143680434336, 0.22204710067614605, -0.005431850712497521, 0.3446260435686303, 0.03810049055705578, -0.35938716082257766]";

void setup() {
  size(256, 256);
  // setup Runway
  runway = new RunwayHTTP(this);
  // disable automatic polling: request data manually when a new frame is ready

void draw() {
  // display result (if any)
  if(runwayResult != null){
  // display instructions
  text("press SPACE to request an image\npress 's' to save it disk\npress LEFT/RIGHT to change category\n"+category,5,15);

void keyPressed(){
  if(keyCode == LEFT && categoryIndex > 0){
    category = categories[categoryIndex];
  if(keyCode == RIGHT && categoryIndex < categories.length - 1){
    category = categories[categoryIndex];
  if(key == ' '){
    // query a set vector
    String input = "{\"z\":"+z+",\"category\":\""+category+"\"}";
  if(key == 's' && runwayResult != null){"result.png"));

// this is called each time Processing connects to Runway
// Runway sends information about the current model
public void runwayInfoEvent(JSONObject info){
  categories = info.getJSONArray("inputs").getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("oneOf").getStringArray();

// this is called when new Runway data is available
void runwayDataEvent(JSONObject runwayData){
  // point the sketch data to the Runway incoming data 
  String base64ImageString = runwayData.getString("generatedOutput");
  // try to decode the image from
    PImage result = ModelUtils.fromBase64(base64ImageString);
    if(result != null){
      runwayResult = result;
  }catch(Exception e){

Changing the size of the z vector fixes the first problem, however I still am unable to change the categories with the LEFT and RIGHT arrows. When I press the LEFT arrow I get no change, and the RIGHT arrow I get the Null Pointer Exception.

I am using a 2015 MacBook.

@dkonha01 I'm not at my RunwayML machine at the moment.

It looks like not just the z vector changed in the model, but also the order of input objects ?

From the partial details above I can gather the oneOf object is no longer index 0 but at index 1:

			{"default":"tench, Tinca tinca","oneOf":["tench, Tinca tinca","goldfish, Carassius auratus","great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man"]}

Can you also update runwayInfoEvent in your sketch to reflect this ?

public void runwayInfoEvent(JSONObject info){
  categories = info.getJSONArray("inputs").getJSONObject(1).getJSONArray("oneOf").getStringArray();

full listing:

// Copyright (C) 2019 RunwayML Examples
// This file is part of RunwayML Examples.
// Runway-Examples is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Runway-Examples is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with RunwayML.  If not, see <>.
// ===========================================================================


// BigGAN Demo:
// Receive HTTP messages from Runway
// Running BigGAN
// example by George Profenza

// import Runway library
import com.runwayml.*;
// reference to runway instance
RunwayHTTP runway;

// The data coming in from Runway as a JSON Object {}
JSONObject data;

// Storage for received Runway image data
PImage runwayResult;

// example input vector
String[] categories;
int categoryIndex;
String category = "tiger, Panthera tigris";
String z = "[0.7724706985220299, -0.4935352445386155, 0.2593357840584296, -0.05743993482325836, 0.12922740189943813, -0.060854071580116284, 0.07779830974178048, 0.18591635221794583, 0.09204426513037678, 0.268461073932552, -0.14970301672565567, 0.03862303139078582, 0.07271976281960693, 0.007121388855950386, -0.5069413947533913, -0.3016005623282333, -0.2920439260204202, 0.0295308185555595, 0.16109896520491807, 0.7723146038226892, 0.11192404162410646, -0.8726172013185323, 0.29947722555274314, 0.026325803732270055, 0.6236836525482027, -0.372698611973506, -0.05011597055774075, 0.3660891904537052, 0.25454821768290364, -0.6378830373939408, 0.5215835565314639, 0.3318826133990969, 0.10021523540248883, 0.14069006313433852, -0.38841455340610725, 0.5985318346184829, 0.013850558924667838, 0.2854599746774973, -0.3341204895186766, -0.4755360858115585, -0.02342583193809257, -0.07100704662583471, -0.11419099265351242, 0.2105769109992658, -0.3679241862481314, 0.1710232283991349, -0.19673291892127817, 0.4601336381707294, 0.016799314952714136, 0.32061601187616756, 0.07927030386199643, -0.3091743644373721, -0.4562185027283634, 0.4181295648821426, -0.4263505103385551, -0.2555957058426298, 0.3870287193853762, 0.19119020483648722, 0.458403869615646, -0.3086904491088613, -0.6981333194280939, 0.41109764683152983, -0.030187214371002274, 0.18437403028970195, 0.23492772479034263, -0.4795481034726173, -0.1632641132816952, 0.4028936323088781, -0.006844683102349605, -0.020974318581923376, 0.49665969611449967, -0.07669994829341059, -0.08075611451693354, 0.05059452457912972, 0.1269498344771861, 0.226235960163477, 0.2615467208420373, -0.7571567903391764, -0.24550549778162034, -0.23809037646188924, -0.014359179879207887, 0.32586786327073414, -0.10340666918821795, -0.45584681163743856, 0.10399542736170442, -0.2141247756958835, 0.21001790249356353, 0.13962871777427782, 0.01615356911672447, -0.5676829745278167, -0.32422784609220023, -0.2796470245062035, -0.04064660459311962, 0.2354834772004773, -0.21663294994273885, -0.1576731670876877, 0.39628375714654224, 0.2908319752122952, -0.30473026166065076, -0.3946504032852317, 0.5397363017624044, 0.40991068583696294, 0.6025498951409232, -0.27893581171240944, 0.26376608238660637, -0.37149186635243897, -0.16643279259996024, 0.05066529520523722, 0.17628791083318915, 0.14736760837688206, 0.02222836588745039, -0.24714092995513795, -0.019522288876607247, -0.23830087746793802, 0.3489243241854584, 0.31710870136528924, -0.36014639076417326, 0.24290714807418015, 0.003521384072587279, 0.4394382985702696, -0.1593721594350416, 0.09790779287771165, -0.21306143680434336, 0.22204710067614605, -0.005431850712497521, 0.3446260435686303, 0.03810049055705578, -0.35938716082257766]";

void setup() {
  size(256, 256);
  // setup Runway
  runway = new RunwayHTTP(this);
  // disable automatic polling: request data manually when a new frame is ready

void draw() {
  // display result (if any)
  if(runwayResult != null){
  // display instructions
  text("press SPACE to request an image\npress 's' to save it disk\npress LEFT/RIGHT to change category\n"+category,5,15);

void keyPressed(){
  if(keyCode == LEFT && categoryIndex > 0){
    category = categories[categoryIndex];
  if(keyCode == RIGHT && categoryIndex < categories.length - 1){
    category = categories[categoryIndex];
  if(key == ' '){
    // query a set vector
    String input = "{\"z\":"+z+",\"category\":\""+category+"\"}";
  if(key == 's' && runwayResult != null){"result.png"));

// this is called each time Processing connects to Runway
// Runway sends information about the current model
public void runwayInfoEvent(JSONObject info){
  categories = info.getJSONArray("inputs").getJSONObject(1).getJSONArray("oneOf").getStringArray();

// this is called when new Runway data is available
void runwayDataEvent(JSONObject runwayData){
  // point the sketch data to the Runway incoming data 
  String base64ImageString = runwayData.getString("generatedOutput");
  // try to decode the image from
    PImage result = ModelUtils.fromBase64(base64ImageString);
    if(result != null){
      runwayResult = result;
  }catch(Exception e){


That did the trick. Thanks. I understood the various issues but not the "best" way to solve them.

The code above worked and allowed me to interact using the keyboard but it wasn't displaying the images in processing. I noticed getString("generatedOutput") should be getString("generated_output")
the code below includes that minor edit

// This file is part of RunwayML Examples.
// Runway-Examples is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Runway-Examples is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with RunwayML.  If not, see <>.
// ===========================================================================


// BigGAN Demo:
// Receive HTTP messages from Runway
// Running BigGAN
// example by George Profenza

// import Runway library
import com.runwayml.*;
// reference to runway instance
RunwayHTTP runway;

// The data coming in from Runway as a JSON Object {}
JSONObject data;

// Storage for received Runway image data
PImage runwayResult;

// example input vector
String[] categories;
int categoryIndex;
String category = "tiger, Panthera tigris";
String z = "[0.7724706985220299, -0.4935352445386155, 0.2593357840584296, -0.05743993482325836, 0.12922740189943813, -0.060854071580116284, 0.07779830974178048, 0.18591635221794583, 0.09204426513037678, 0.268461073932552, -0.14970301672565567, 0.03862303139078582, 0.07271976281960693, 0.007121388855950386, -0.5069413947533913, -0.3016005623282333, -0.2920439260204202, 0.0295308185555595, 0.16109896520491807, 0.7723146038226892, 0.11192404162410646, -0.8726172013185323, 0.29947722555274314, 0.026325803732270055, 0.6236836525482027, -0.372698611973506, -0.05011597055774075, 0.3660891904537052, 0.25454821768290364, -0.6378830373939408, 0.5215835565314639, 0.3318826133990969, 0.10021523540248883, 0.14069006313433852, -0.38841455340610725, 0.5985318346184829, 0.013850558924667838, 0.2854599746774973, -0.3341204895186766, -0.4755360858115585, -0.02342583193809257, -0.07100704662583471, -0.11419099265351242, 0.2105769109992658, -0.3679241862481314, 0.1710232283991349, -0.19673291892127817, 0.4601336381707294, 0.016799314952714136, 0.32061601187616756, 0.07927030386199643, -0.3091743644373721, -0.4562185027283634, 0.4181295648821426, -0.4263505103385551, -0.2555957058426298, 0.3870287193853762, 0.19119020483648722, 0.458403869615646, -0.3086904491088613, -0.6981333194280939, 0.41109764683152983, -0.030187214371002274, 0.18437403028970195, 0.23492772479034263, -0.4795481034726173, -0.1632641132816952, 0.4028936323088781, -0.006844683102349605, -0.020974318581923376, 0.49665969611449967, -0.07669994829341059, -0.08075611451693354, 0.05059452457912972, 0.1269498344771861, 0.226235960163477, 0.2615467208420373, -0.7571567903391764, -0.24550549778162034, -0.23809037646188924, -0.014359179879207887, 0.32586786327073414, -0.10340666918821795, -0.45584681163743856, 0.10399542736170442, -0.2141247756958835, 0.21001790249356353, 0.13962871777427782, 0.01615356911672447, -0.5676829745278167, -0.32422784609220023, -0.2796470245062035, -0.04064660459311962, 0.2354834772004773, -0.21663294994273885, -0.1576731670876877, 0.39628375714654224, 0.2908319752122952, -0.30473026166065076, -0.3946504032852317, 0.5397363017624044, 0.40991068583696294, 0.6025498951409232, -0.27893581171240944, 0.26376608238660637, -0.37149186635243897, -0.16643279259996024, 0.05066529520523722, 0.17628791083318915, 0.14736760837688206, 0.02222836588745039, -0.24714092995513795, -0.019522288876607247, -0.23830087746793802, 0.3489243241854584, 0.31710870136528924, -0.36014639076417326, 0.24290714807418015, 0.003521384072587279, 0.4394382985702696, -0.1593721594350416, 0.09790779287771165, -0.21306143680434336, 0.22204710067614605, -0.005431850712497521, 0.3446260435686303, 0.03810049055705578, -0.35938716082257766]";

void setup() {
  size(256, 256);
  // setup Runway
  runway = new RunwayHTTP(this);
  // disable automatic polling: request data manually when a new frame is ready

void draw() {
  // display result (if any)
  if(runwayResult != null){
  // display instructions
  text("press SPACE to request an image\npress 's' to save it disk\npress LEFT/RIGHT to change category\n"+category,5,15);

void keyPressed(){
  if(keyCode == LEFT && categoryIndex > 0){
    category = categories[categoryIndex];
  if(keyCode == RIGHT && categoryIndex < categories.length - 1){
    category = categories[categoryIndex];
  if(key == ' '){
    // query a set vector
    String input = "{\"z\":"+z+",\"category\":\""+category+"\"}";
  if(key == 's' && runwayResult != null){"result.png"));

// this is called each time Processing connects to Runway
// Runway sends information about the current model
public void runwayInfoEvent(JSONObject info){
  categories = info.getJSONArray("inputs").getJSONObject(1).getJSONArray("oneOf").getStringArray();

// this is called when new Runway data is available
void runwayDataEvent(JSONObject runwayData){
  // point the sketch data to the Runway incoming data 
  String base64ImageString = runwayData.getString("generated_output");
  // try to decode the image from
    PImage result = ModelUtils.fromBase64(base64ImageString);
    if(result != null){
      runwayResult = result;
  }catch(Exception e){