runew0lf / RuinedFooocus

Focus on prompting and generating

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Settings (settings.json) Issues

almfisch opened this issue · comments

Since the Model/Lora Tab-Update the Lora-Part in the settings.json is no more working.

Some other suggestions/questions:

  • Is there an option to turn off the model/lora thumbnails? I have a lot of models and loras, some of them do not have thumbnails, so it is difficult to choose the right model, because the name is cut off
  • How can I add the Flufferizer to the style-setting in the settings.json, I tried "Style: sai-cinematic, Flufferizer" but it does not work
  • It would be nice to have the option to save default OneButtonPrompt-Settings in the settings.json

Many regards and thank you very much

  1. Sorry, no. There is no way to turn off the lora thumbnails. But you can go into the folder called cache\loras\ and change the images there for the loras that it didn't find a thumbnail for. Not what you asked for, but I hope that helps.
  2. If you have more than one style you want to add you need to add them as a list, like this: "style": ["Style: sai-cinematic", "Flufferizer", "Style: misc-horror"],
  3. You can do it like this: "OBP_preset": "Wallpaper art",