runem / lit-analyzer

Monorepository for tools that analyze lit-html templates

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[vscode-lit-plugin] Auto close tag does not work anymore in lit-template

cWenyu opened this issue · comments


I recently found the lit-plugin v1.3.0 does not auto close tag, I recorded two small videos to show the difference between vs code 1.76.2 and 1.82.2. However, vscode-lit-plugin does not work as expected in version 1.76.2 either, only the first element is auto-closed and the second one does not.

Please let me know if you need more information.

Visual Studio version: 1.82.2


Visual Studio version: 1.76.2


Best regards

update typescript to v5.2.2 would solve the issue.

It still doesn't work after typescript update.

Have you checked on different versions of vscode?