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Docker: Can't persist config folder

vpdevx opened this issue · comments

Note: Bug Reports not following this template may be closed without feedback.

Describe the bug
We're trying to deploy Rundeck using docker compose and persisting the content of /home/rundeck/server/config but when the container starts and the service is up, we can't login. It seems not to be creating some files that are required.
If we try to persist only the data content, it works fine.

My Rundeck detail

  • Rundeck version: Tested in 4.17.0, 4.16.0
  • install type: Docker
  • OS Name/version: Ubuntu
  • DB Type/version: H2

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Try using the following compose file or just persist the /home/rundeck/server/config content:

`version: '3'

image: rundeck/rundeck:4.17.0
tty: true
- ./data:/home/rundeck/server/data
- ./config:/home/rundeck/server/config
- 4440:4440`

  1. Start the compose
  2. Try logging into the server
  3. See error

Expected behavior
Successful login

Additional context
PS: We've tried it in other SO and machines as well.