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A way to parametrize URL for Cascade Remote Options: skip URL encoding and protocol verification

vifrrg opened this issue · comments

Rundeck 4.17.0
I am using Cascade Remote Options feature.

  • One of my option is PROTOCOL which may be one of http or https (Drop-down window), but I can not use ${} in the corresponding part of Remote URL. I even can not save such a job. Seems this is extra validation on hardcoded protocol;
  • My second option is ENDPOINT, which contains path separators /, but I can not use it correcty because of #811 - all separators are encoded and resulting URL becomes invalid;
  • I have some remote URLs for such options parametrized, including protocol and sub-path, but I can not use them because of two "features" above: all / and : (separators for protocol, path and port) are URLencoded + not passing the validation during job save;

Would be nice to have a way to escape this behaviour.