run-llama / llama_index

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[Bug]: ImportError: cannot import name 'BaseRetriever' from partially initialized module 'llama_index.core.base.base_retriever'

ForgetThatNight opened this issue · comments

Bug Description

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/env/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/llama_index/core/base/", line 30, in
from llama_index.core.service_context import ServiceContext
File "/data/env/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/llama_index/core/", line 11, in
from llama_index.core.indices.prompt_helper import PromptHelper
File "/data/env/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/llama_index/core/indices/", line 4, in
from llama_index.core.indices.composability.graph import ComposableGraph
File "/data/env/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/llama_index/core/indices/composability/", line 4, in
from llama_index.core.indices.composability.graph import ComposableGraph
File "/data/env/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/llama_index/core/indices/composability/", line 7, in
from llama_index.core.indices.base import BaseIndex
File "/data/env/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/llama_index/core/indices/", line 8, in
from llama_index.core.base.base_retriever import BaseRetriever
ImportError: cannot import name 'BaseRetriever' from partially initialized module 'llama_index.core.base.base_retriever' (most likely due to a circular import) (/data/env/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/llama_index/core/base/



Steps to Reproduce

from llama_index.core.base.base_retriever import BaseRetriever

llama-hub 0.0.79.post1
llama-index 0.10.34
llama-index-agent-openai 0.1.7
llama-index-cli 0.1.12
llama-index-core 0.10.34
llama-index-embeddings-openai 0.1.9
llama-index-indices-managed-llama-cloud 0.1.6
llama-index-legacy 0.9.48
llama-index-llms-openai 0.1.16
llama-index-multi-modal-llms-openai 0.1.5
llama-index-program-openai 0.1.6
llama-index-question-gen-openai 0.1.3
llama-index-readers-file 0.1.19
llama-index-readers-llama-parse 0.1.4
llama-parse 0.4.2
llamaindex-py-client 0.1.19

Relevant Logs/Tracbacks

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To address the ImportError due to a circular import involving BaseRetriever, you can try the following strategies:

  1. Refactor Your Code: Aim to eliminate the circular dependency by reorganizing your modules and packages.
  2. Lazy Import Inside Functions: Move the BaseRetriever import statement inside the function or method that requires it, delaying the import until necessary.
  3. Consolidate Imports: If feasible, combine related classes and functions into a single module to avoid circular dependencies.
  4. Use Import Hooks: This advanced solution involves customizing Python's import system to resolve circular imports.
  5. Import Within Type Checking Block: For type annotations, use if TYPE_CHECKING: to ensure imports are only executed by type checkers.
  6. Use from __future__ import annotations: For Python 3.7+, this approach stores annotations as strings, avoiding circular imports due to type annotations.

Additionally, a similar issue was resolved by uninstalling any existing installations of llama-index, creating a new virtual environment, and reinstalling llama-index with specific pip flags. Follow these steps:

pip uninstall llama-index  # remove any possible global install
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install llama-index --upgrade --no-cache-dir --force-reinstall

Ensure you're not using outdated paths for imports and refer to the latest documentation for correct import statements.



About Dosu
This response is meant to be useful and save you time. It is not meant to be a precise solution, but rather a starting point for your own research.

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To continue the conversation, mention @dosu.


The llama-hub package is deprecated, installing that would have maybe caused some issues.

Try again with a fresh venv. Works fine in google colab