rudolfochrist / interleave

Emacs minor mode to interleave notes and text books

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Can interleave work with Hyperbole outline files (.kotl)?

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Recently started looking at this file format and find the outlining feature very interesting. Document is mad of nodes/cells, which have an absolute and relative ID, can be reordered and automatically renumbered, moved about etc. Would love to see the two combined, but must admit I can't see how meta data is embedded in these type of files (I understand they're hidden, unlike org's drawers).

Hi @usharf,

interleave will not work out of the box with Hyperbole files. Since I'm not a Hyperbole user myself, I have no idea how hard it is to bring interleave to work with Hyperbole outline files.

If you want it to give it a try this would be an interesting PR :)

I would look into it while learning to use Hyperbole :)