rudolfochrist / interleave

Emacs minor mode to interleave notes and text books

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Interleave in second level headlines in multi-PDF notes

jmburgos opened this issue · comments

It seems that in multi-PDF notes files interleave only works if the :INTERLEAVE_PDF: property is set in a first-level headline. Would it be possible to make it work also in second-level headlines? The reason is that I use first-level headlines in my notes file to organize my notes, and the notes in each paper go in the second level. Something like this:

  • Papers in Some topic
    ** Smith2009
    :Custom_ID: Smith2009
    :INTERLEAVE_PDF: /path/to/my/pdfs/Smith2009.pdf
    ** Jones2010
    :Custom_ID: Jones2010
    :INTERLEAVE_PDF: /path/to/my/pdfs/Jones2010.pdf

... etc.

Many thanks!

Yes. This will happen when #23 is implemented (and therefore #24).


Ah, sorry, I missed these previous requests. Thanks!. When this gets done, the narrowing would still occur? If so, could it be optional? I find myself doing C-x n w all the time because when I write notes I want to see what notes I wrote on previous pages.

Hmm, yes. Narrowing would still occur. Making it optional needs some work but is definitely possible.

Can we close this issue then?

Yes, thanks again.

Reopening because it's different from #24.
