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Jets app deploys that have a Job error out with "YAML aliases are not allowed in CloudFormation templates"

sam0x17 opened this issue · comments


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  • Reproducibility: Are you reporting a bug others will be able to reproduce and not asking a question. If you're unsure or want to ask a question, do so on
  • Code sample: Have you put together a code sample to reproduce the issue and make it available? Code samples help speed up fixes dramatically. If it's an easily reproducible issue, then code samples are not needed. If you're unsure, please include a code sample.

My Environment

Software Version
Operating System Ubuntu 20.04
Jets 3.0.9
Ruby 2.7.2

Expected Behaviour

Deploying a jets app that includes an active job with a cron trigger succeeds

Current Behavior

Deploying a jets app that that includes an active job with a cron trigger fails with this error during deploy:

YAML aliases are not allowed in CloudFormation templates

Step-by-step reproduction instructions

Try deploying an app with an active job that has a cron trigger string

Code Sample

Example job:

class MessengerJob < ApplicationJob
  class_timeout 10.minutes
  environment(DB_POOL: 32)

  cron '0/1 * * * ? *' # at the start of every minute
  def process_messages
    # do work here

Solution Suggestion

We tried tweaking a bunch of things and still get the same error, so I suspect this is a general issue not related to our specific cron string, but I could be wrong

Bummer. What's going on is the

  class_timeout 10.minutes

Creates the YAML aliases error.

When jets builds the project and the cloudformation templates it calls YAML dump. With 10.minutes is a ActiveSupport::Duration class. The YAML dump serializes this info into the yaml.

$ jets build
$ grep -A 3 Timeout /tmp/jets/demo/templates/demo-dev-app-messenger_job.yml
      Timeout: !ruby/object:ActiveSupport::Duration
        value: 600
          :minutes: 10

The serialization creates a !ruby/object:ActiveSupport::Duration, which CloudFormation thinks is a YAML alias and hence the error.

Instead you'll can do this:

  class_timeout 10.minutes.to_i

The produces:

$ jets build
$ grep Timeout /tmp/jets/demo/templates/demo-dev-app-messenger_job.yml
      Timeout: 600

So try using class_timeout 10.minutes.to_i, that should deploy successfully.

Also, looked into possibly doing a .to_i conversion on ActiveSupport::Duration values 🧐 But unsure if it's worth it at the moment. Closing for now. Hope that helps.