rubymonsters / speakerinnen_liste

International Women* Speaker Directory

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Overview Speakerinnen construction sites

zaziemo opened this issue · comments

Why this?

If you want to contribute, you can get an overview over the open issues. We are happy to answer your questions if you consider to help. All the issues have a link to their specification. If you want to work on an issue feel free to assign yourself.

! current bugs

  • #511 Better error page

1. topics, tags and references

  • #525 Thoughts about categories
  • #507 investigate use of wikidata
  • #471 tags for different languages (IN PROGRESS)
  • #570 internationalize tags: check possibilities of acts-as-taggable
  • #622 create tag_languages table
  • #623 create associations between tags and languages
  • #624 admin area: create new list view to assign languages to tags
  • #625 admin area: make tag list filterable according to language
  • #626 assign languages to tags
  • #627 tag cloud: filter tag cloud according to current view
  • #628 tag cloud: make it possible to see tags of all languages
  • #629 profile edit: copy tags from default language in tag field of new language
  • #630 profile show: show only tags that have assigned the language of the current locale

2. tests

  • #387 application_controller_spec
  • #332 add tests for devise methods
  • #553 make search specs passing again on travisCI

3. separate pages

4. performance and security

  • #210 optimizing performance
  • #288 put jobs to send emails in separate thread and run in background
  • #566 check: warning in heroku - memory quota exceeded :(

5. design and styling

  • #208 randomly shown pictures instead of Marie Curie
  • #223 styling (css): profiles edit topic selection (IN PROGRESS)
  • #342 Create badge for other websites (IN PROGRESS)
  • #524 New start page
  • #496 Version 2: update profile edit site after changing tag structure
  • #494 create mockups for key sites
  • #577 New or adjusted logo
  • #600 adapt topics/category filter site
  • #601 adapt titles of formfields in profile edit

6. translations

  • #462 Translate into Brazilian Portuguese (must be updated and implemented)
  • #642 translate tag field

7. usability

  • #354 idea/usability: search button on every page
  • #340 optimizing UI for Internet Explorer
  • #607 improve UX in profile editing process

8. search

  • #567 elasticsearch: make it possible to combine filters for aggregations
  • #575 profile index: remove text if there are no results for aggregations
  • #581 migration: remove table searches

9. features

  • #408 recommendation feature on website
  • #523 Featured Speakers
  • #572 integrate more fields into globalize

10. other

  • #218 clean up tag-it
  • #271 twitter callback if cancel is selected
  • #313 extract all inline javascript to js-files
  • #443 embed testimonial quotes in homepage
  • #508 investigate machine learning opportunities
  • #493 do user research
  • #483 Update devise from 3.1.1 to 4.*
  • #470 Update to Rails 5
  • #610 remove translated columns in profiles table

@zaziemo perfect use of GitHub todo lists :) you've real got the hang of this.

@svenfuchs thanks ;) Do you think that is a good starting point to guide people who want to help us?

@zaziemo it is! you could link to it in the readme, in blog posts or on twitter.

hey @zaziemo i could work on:

#225 separate page for "news"
#269 footer should be on every site


#215 add tests for the admin unpublish and publish method
#245 add unit test: tags forced lowercase for already existing tags


@carlad great! I would be cool it if you'd work on #269 ;) If we are lucky we will fix the staging/master thing today and you can create your own feature branch derived from master.

Cool. Did you fix the staging/master problem?

@carlad no not yet :( But it will be fine if you work on master.

Alles klar. I will pull from master but create my own 'footer' branch.

A couple of questions:
When you say 'every site' do you mean every language version of the website?
What do you want the footer to contain?

@carlad I will answer that in #269

@zaziemo, Hi! Your project seems very interesting. Me and my teammate @Neethusajeevan could work on:
#192 Content Localisation
#249 assigning tags to localisation
#201 alphabetical order of topics

Hey @pohameera, that's great! Are you planning to apply for Rails Girls Summer of Code: rails-girls-summer-of-code/projects#14?

Yes, we are applying for Rails Summer of Code. We are interested in doing
your project for RSoC. So it would be great if you mentor us. We would like
to know how we can contribute to the project. We actually thought that we
can start off with localisation of contents but we need your help and
guidance on what exactly we need to do, Awaiting for your suggestions,


On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 2:06 AM, zaziemo wrote:

Hey @pohameera, that's great! Are you
planning to apply for Rails Girls Summer of Code:

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#216 (comment)

Hey @pohameera, wonderful!
Concerning the content localization: that's really a big and important issue. That was part of the project of last summer of code's team and they finally decided to focus on other things (see their blog post that is linked in the issue). It would be great to think it over again: currently we have no clear concept of handling variable content that is provided by the speakers themselves in multiple languages - especially the tags. Right now we have more than 3000 tags in different languages. Some things are in progress right now that help in other segments of the problem: advanced search and new speaker profile editing. How we will proceed with content localization is also dependent on what we can cover with these improvements.
Long story short: this is a highly interesting issue, but right now I can't specify what should be done exactly. But I would highly appreciated working and discussing a concept with you.

If you use labels on the issues they might be found more easy. One thing we do to collect issues for is to filter all ruby related issues from GitHub by labels.

So, if you have a label documentation, beginner, feature, bug we can find them this way :)

@robinboening yeah, thanks! That's a good idea. We'll implement that in the next days :)

I've got a real itch in my fingers when I see some of the code, but I'm not sure whether it's wise to do a huge pull request...

How about working step by step? Just pick one topic at a time, make a small pull request and write your motivation behind it as comment. That way its easier for us to comprehend. 👍 Its great that you found the time to look trough the code. 😃

@nerdinand hehe ;) but what @tyranja says.


Hi @tyranja I and my team mate are planning to work on Speakerinnen this year at RSOC. The concept looks very interesting and it also involves rails. As we both are very keen on learning rails, this would a great opportunity for us. Could you please let me know what is the eligibility criteria for applying? I would also like to get in touch with people who had worked last year to know more about their learning experience and also about the application process? Could you please help me on this?

Hello. Just wanted to know whether there's an active maintainer for this project. I'd like to tackle some issues and update some docs as well.

Hello @cesc1989, Yes, we ( @zaziemo and me ) are the maintainers of that project. What exactly do you want to work on? And how did you find that project?

It is good to know, @tyranja :)

I found this project following the beginner label from a search in the github search bar.

Regarding the issues, ATM I'd like to work in:

  • #461
  • Update the contributing guide. There's a bad format in the last step in the file.