ruby / fiddle

A libffi wrapper for Ruby.

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Unreachable code path in Fiddle::ValueUtil#wrap_arg

Maumagnaguagno opened this issue · comments

In Fiddle::ValueUtil#wrap_arg there is a long case-when for arg with an unreachable code path.
When arg and ty are of Array type, and ty[0] is TYPE_CHAR, there is another condition, for arg to be String at Line 101.
Even if this condition is fixed, val is undefined at Line 102 for this method.


Lines 95 to 106 in 04238ce

when Array
if( ty.is_a?(Array) ) # used only by struct
case ty[0]
return arg.collect{|v| Integer(v)}
if( arg.is_a?(String) )
return val.unpack('C*')
return arg

Should Lines 100-103 be removed?

Can you create a script that uses 101 and share it to us?

require 'fiddle/value'

c =
p c.wrap_arg(['55','0'],[Fiddle::TYPE_VOIDP]) # Line  99
p c.wrap_arg(['test'],[Fiddle::TYPE_CHAR])    # Line 106

Ah, could you use normal API instead of directly using wrap_arg? It seems that lib/fiddle/struct.rb uses wrap_arg.

Unfortunately I am not that familiar with Fiddle structs to make a valid minimal example to reach that point.
I just noticed the loose variable val and that arg needs to be both Array and String at the same time.

I'll take a look at this later.