ruby-debug / debase

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Debase failing to install on vscode Jekyll container

lsli8888 opened this issue · comments

When building my container on VSCode, I get a "failed to build gem native extension" error. Here's a snippet of the output:

#0 149.9 ERROR:  Error installing ruby-debug-ide:
[2023-03-02T06:31:35.062Z] #0 149.9 	ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
#0 149.9 
#0 149.9     current directory: /usr/local/rvm/gems/default/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.7.3/ext
#0 149.9 /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.5/bin/ruby mkrf_conf.rb
#0 149.9 Installing base gem
#0 149.9 Building native extensions. This could take a while...
#0 149.9 Building native extensions. This could take a while...
#0 149.9 ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

I've attached the output log (output.txt), devcontainer config files as well - i.e. Dockerfile, devcontainer.json, in an attached zip file.

I would appreciate any help! I tried updating to Ruby 2.7.7 without any success. I also tried specifying an older debase and ruby-debug-ide version without success. This build has previously worked for me. Not sure why it's not working now.

ruby is bad inside the container. It is rvm binary ruby built incrorrectly.

make: /usr/bin/mkdir: No such file or directory

Should be installed with --disable-binary

This distro won't be able to install any binary extension, not only debugger.