rubocop / rubocop

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`Style/MapIntoArray` misinterprets my class design

yegor256 opened this issue · comments

This is the code:

class Foo
  def each
    (0..42).each do |i|
      yield i

  def to_a
    array = []
    each { |i| array << i }

This is my config:

  TargetRubyVersion: 3.2
  NewCops: enable

Rubocop 1.63.5 complains (which is a wrong complaint):

$ rubocop --config my.cfg a.rb
a.rb:10:5: C: [Correctable] Style/MapIntoArray: Use map instead of each to map elements into an array.
    each { |i| array << i }

Then, I run rubocop -A and it produced a broken code:

class Foo
  def each(&)

  def to_a
    map { |i| i }  # error here, there is no "map" method in the class

Style/MapIntoArray is already marked as unsafe. If you expect safe autocorrect, please use -a instead of -A. Thank you.

@koic auto-correction is not the issue here. The main problem is the wrong complaint. I believe, it should be fixed. Currently, I have to suppress, look:

Ah, sure. In most contexts that this Cop should detect, the receiver is usually not omitted. This means that cases where the receiver is omitted can be considered as not Enumerable#each and can be allowed. I think the potential for false negatives with this change is lower than the potential for false positives. I opened PR #12896 to resolve this issue. Thank you!