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False Positive for `Lint/ImplicitStringConcatenation` with prism

pjsk-stripe opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

Lint/ImplicitStringConcatenation behaves strangely with prism in the situation below. With prism turned off, it doesn't report an error.

I imagine this is some combination of the \n and heredocs. But strangely the prefix Something: is determining the output.

Actual behavior

$ rubocop --debug
For /Users/pjsk/Workspace/rubocop-test: configuration from /Users/pjsk/Workspace/rubocop-test/.rubocop.yml
Default configuration from /Users/pjsk/.rbenv/versions/3.3.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0/gems/rubocop-1.63.4/config/default.yml
Use parallel by default.
Running parallel inspection
Loading cache from /Users/pjsk/.cache/rubocop_cache/534273b9ca3f55074640a50c5ca18229f9ff297e/6d7a3b621ca1730e04accd938619e4bdab66cfb1/63a887baec0f59303e2489405d3b0e5e5e5d0d31
Inspecting 2 files
Scanning /Users/pjsk/Workspace/rubocop-test/Gemfile
Loading cache from /Users/pjsk/.cache/rubocop_cache/534273b9ca3f55074640a50c5ca18229f9ff297e/6d7a3b621ca1730e04accd938619e4bdab66cfb1/b34fb59736dff2e5d1f73f75d34d9efc96a08880
.Scanning /Users/pjsk/Workspace/rubocop-test/test.rb
Loading cache from /Users/pjsk/.cache/rubocop_cache/534273b9ca3f55074640a50c5ca18229f9ff297e/6d7a3b621ca1730e04accd938619e4bdab66cfb1/63a887baec0f59303e2489405d3b0e5e5e5d0d31


test.rb:5:1: W: Lint/ImplicitStringConcatenation: Combine  and   Something:  into a single string literal, rather than using implicit string concatenation.
  Something: #{b}

2 files inspected, 1 offense detected
Finished in 0.2889069998636842 seconds

Steps to reproduce the problem

$ rubocop -V
1.63.4 (using Prism 0.27.0, rubocop-ast 1.31.3, running on ruby 2.7.2) [arm64-darwin22]
  TargetRubyVersion: 3.3
  ParserEngine: parser_prism
  NewCops: enable
# frozen_string_literal: true

_note = <<~SOMEHEREDOC
  Thing: #{a} \n
  Something: #{b}

RuboCop version

Include the output of rubocop -V or bundle exec rubocop -V if using Bundler.
If you see extension cop versions (e.g. rubocop-performance, rubocop-rspec, and others)
output by rubocop -V, include them as well. Here's an example:

$ rubocop -V
1.63.4 (using Prism 0.27.0, rubocop-ast 1.31.3, running on ruby 3.3.0) [arm64-darwin23]