rubocop / rubocop

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Some offenses only with spring

znz opened this issue · comments

bin/rubocop and bundle exec rubocop detect different offenses with spring-commands-rubocop.

Expected behavior

Same offenses with/without spring.

Actual behavior

With spring:

% bin/rubocop sample.rb
Running via Spring preloader in process 86090
Inspecting 1 file


sample.rb:5:5: C: Performance/CollectionLiteralInLoop: Avoid immutable Array literals in loops. It is better to extract it into a local variable or a constant.
    [1, 2].exclude?(i)
sample.rb:7:1: W: Lint/ShadowedException: Do not shadow rescued Exceptions.
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, StandardError => e ...

1 file inspected, 2 offenses detected

Without spring:

% bundle exec rubocop sample.rb
Inspecting 1 file

1 file inspected, no offenses detected

Steps to reproduce the problem

I created a minimal reproduce example.

Use and run commands in Actual behavior.

RuboCop version

$ [bundle exec] rubocop -V
1.63.2 (using Parser, rubocop-ast 1.31.2, running on ruby 3.2.3) [arm64-darwin23]
  - rubocop-performance 1.21.0
  - rubocop-rails 2.24.1

These are bugs in each of the two cops, caused by their dependency on the runtime information.

Just to elaborate a bit, spring preloads the application and this seems to result in RuboCop running in that environment as well so there does appear to happen some accidental runtime analysis:

converted << Kernel.const_get(exception.source)

Something similar happens here where Enumerable now contains methods added by rails.