rtrlib / quagga-rtrlib

Quagga with RPKI-RTR prefix origin validation support

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wijethunge opened this issue · comments

How can I enable snmp support along with bgpd ?

I'm getting below
./configure --enable-rpki --enable-vtysh --enable-snmp --localstatedir=/usr/local/etc

configure: error: --enable-snmp given but unable to find net-snmp-config

above Issue fixed I have recompiled package with --enable-snmp=smux support

and configured as below

SNMP Configuration

Add this line for BGP SMUX

smuxpeer . bgp


#Add this line to the BGP configuration
smux peer bgp
Unfortunately when I'm queering I'm getting below error
root@rpki-VirtualBox:/usr/local/sbin# snmpwalk -v2c -c public -m ALL localhost
Unlinked OID in IPATM-IPMC-MIB: marsMIB ::= { mib-2 57 }
Undefined identifier: mib-2 near line 18 of /usr/share/mibs/ietf/IPATM-IPMC-MIB
Bad operator (INTEGER): At line 73 in /usr/share/mibs/ietf/SNMPv2-PDU
Expected "::=" (RFC5644): At line 493 in /usr/share/mibs/iana/IANA-IPPM-METRICS-REGISTRY-MIB
Expected "{" (EOF): At line 651 in /usr/share/mibs/iana/IANA-IPPM-METRICS-REGISTRY-MIB
Bad object identifier: At line 651 in /usr/share/mibs/iana/IANA-IPPM-METRICS-REGISTRY-MIB
Bad parse of OBJECT-IDENTITY: At line 651 in /usr/share/mibs/iana/IANA-IPPM-METRICS-REGISTRY-MIB
BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID
could you please be able to help me? If you know some fix for this

is this solved for you? Otherwise, try to install the devel version of the libsnmp package using your distros package manager.