rticommunity / rticonnextdds-cmake-utils

This repository provides modules and scripts that simplify the process of building and running RTI Connext applications using CMake.

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Add wolfSSL as a dependency of security_plugins imported target

lulivi opened this issue · comments


Issue information

Field Value
Jira issue key INSTALL-720
OS(s) --
Connext version(s) --
Connext architecture(s) --


Currently, the security_plugins imported target is not linked against WolfSSL.

Steps to reproduce the issue

Expected behavior

Suggested solutions

     # Security plugins
     set(dependencies RTIConnextDDS::c_api)

-    # The OpenSSL imported targets are created by find_package(OpenSSL).
-    if(TARGET OpenSSL::SSL)
-        set(dependencies ${dependencies} OpenSSL::SSL)
-    endif()
+    # The OpenSSL and wolfSSL imported targets are created by
+    # find_package(OpenSSL|wolfSSL).
+    if(TARGET wolfSSL::wolfSSL)
+        set(dependencies ${dependencies} wolfSSL::wolfSSL)
+    else()
+        if(TARGET OpenSSL::SSL)
+            set(dependencies ${dependencies} OpenSSL::SSL)
+        endif()

-    if(TARGET OpenSSL::Crypto)
-        set(dependencies ${dependencies} OpenSSL::Crypto)
+        if(TARGET OpenSSL::Crypto)
+            set(dependencies ${dependencies} OpenSSL::Crypto)
+        endif()
