rte-antares-rpackage / antaresViz

ANTARES Visualizations

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Problem with Macos -> R -> runAppAntaresViz()

thiollie opened this issue · comments

I'm a fresh Antares User that is working on Macos.

Tu use Antares GUI, I use a Ubuntu 22.04 on a virtualBox. It seems I coud use R/Rstudio to manage Antares input and output files, while I can run the simulation on a dedicated remote linux cluster.

I can build simulation input from RStudio with antaresEditObject.

But if I try to plot output, I have a problem with runAppAntaresViz(). The server is launched and the safari page is opened. But I just cannot click on the three dot button in order to open a specific path. I still have "No antares output found in directory" written because I can change the default path.

Is there a solution for me ..?

Thanks in advance,

Below the terminal output :

Le chargement a nécessité le package : shiny
Le chargement a nécessité le package : manipulateWidget
Le chargement a nécessité le package : data.table
data.table 1.14.8 using 1 threads (see ?getDTthreads). Latest news: r-datatable.com

This installation of data.table has not detected OpenMP support. It should still work but in single-threaded mode.
This is a Mac. Please read https://mac.r-project.org/openmp/. Please engage with Apple and ask them for support. Check r-datatable.com for updates, and our Mac instructions here: https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/wiki/Installation. After several years of many reports of installation problems on Mac, it's time to gingerly point out that there have been no similar problems on Windows or Linux.

Listening on
The name provided ('folder-o') does not correspond to a known icon
The name provided ('folder-o') does not correspond to a known icon
The name provided ('floppy-o') does not correspond to a known icon
Avis : includeHTML() was provided a path that appears to be a complete HTML document.
✖ Path: www/readAntares.html
ℹ Use tags$iframe() to include an HTML document. You can either ensure path is accessible in your app or document (see e.g. shiny::addResourcePath()) and pass the relative path to the src argument. Or you can read the contents of path and pass the contents to srcdoc.
Avis : includeHTML() was provided a path that appears to be a complete HTML document.
✖ Path: www/removeVirtualAreas.html
ℹ Use tags$iframe() to include an HTML document. You can either ensure path is accessible in your app or document (see e.g. shiny::addResourcePath()) and pass the relative path to the src argument. Or you can read the contents of path and pass the contents to srcdoc.
Avis : includeHTML() was provided a path that appears to be a complete HTML document.
✖ Path: www/writeAntaresH5.html
ℹ Use tags$iframe() to include an HTML document. You can either ensure path is accessible in your app or document (see e.g. shiny::addResourcePath()) and pass the relative path to the src argument. Or you can read the contents of path and pass the contents to srcdoc.

I have the same issue as Nicolas : I can't click on the 3 dots and have the same "No antares output found in directory".
Moreover, it seems that I cannot use the "myMapLayout" function in order to create a new map.
I am able to get that :
But I cannot do anything from there (the two buttons "set map" and "Re-init layout" seem to be out).
I'm then struggling to create a map for my study.
Thanks in advance,