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appDependencies reliance on available.packages()

tyner opened this issue · comments

Perhaps this is a known phenomenon, but a search came up empty. The background is we have an internal Nexus repository which mirrors CRAN, but occasionally available.packages() doesn't reflect the latest package versions right away. For example, yesterday I was able to install box version 1.2.0 directly from Nexus, but running available.packages() said version 1.1.3. I tried to deploy a shiny app, but encountered an error which led back to rsconnect::appDependencies. The problem seems to be that rsconnect:::snapshotRenvDependencies returns NA for the Repository field because it couldn't find box version 1.2.0 in the return from available.packages(). Though the root cause is likely in the Nexus space (a separate topic), perhaps the error message could be clarified that there is a problem with the repository reporting a stale version, as opposed to the package installation?