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`renv::restore()` fails for packages hosted on a GitHub Enterprise server when `gitcreds` is installed

ezraporter opened this issue · comments

Steps to recreate the issue

renv::install(c("gitcreds", "remotes"))
remotes::install_github(repo = "REPO/PACKAGE",  host = "GHE_SERVER_URL/api/v3")

This fails with an error like:

Error: error downloading 'https://GHE_SERVER_URL/api/v3/repos/REPO/PACKAGE/tarball/COMMIT_SHA' [curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 401]

Apologies that I can't give a real GHE server to make this fully reproducible.

However if gitcreds is not installed it works.

Possible Solution

It looks like the call to gitcreds::gitcreds_get() is always using the default url:


Lines 546 to 548 in e7c23ea

token <- tryCatch(gitcreds::gitcreds_get(), error = function(cnd) {

Is there a way to pass down the RemoteHost in renv.lock to give gitcreds a shot at finding the right PAT?

Alternatively, is there a way to shut off authenticating altogether which will be fine as long as I'm using public repos?

Are you able to make use of the existing renv authentication mechanism? See for more details.

Should be resolved via 8f99f05; please let me know if that seems sufficient for your use case.

Thanks! Tested the development version and it worked great.

The only issue I hit was that my keychain was using a password rather than PAT to authenticate which didn't work. I guess my GHE server still allows this. Once I switched to a PAT it worked fine. I wouldn't expect you to support authenticating with a password anyways so all good.

The renv.gitcreds.enabled option is great too. I tested that would do the trick without changing my keychain setup and it worked.

Are you able to make use of the existing renv authentication mechanism? See for more details.

For anyone not wanting to use the dev version just yet I found this met my needs:

options(renv.auth = function(package, record) {
  if (!is.null(record$RemoteHost) && record$RemoteHost == "GHE_SERVER_URL/api/v3") {
    return(list(GITHUB_PAT = MY_GHE_PAT))

Awesome, thanks for confirming! I intend to submit a new version of renv to CRAN soon, so it's good to know this functions as intended.