rstudio / leaflet

R Interface to Leaflet Maps

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modify icon size

heliconius-maps opened this issue · comments

Using the quakes data as an example and the code below, I wish to modify the icon size. I need to keep the rest of the code as unchanged as possible, I just want to make the icons smaller. I wish to do this because maps with many data points become excessively crowded. Can you please help?

NB I did post this issue on StackOverflow a couple of years ago, but have never received any replies.

map<-addTiles(map,group = "OSM (default)")
map<-addMarkers(map,quakes$lon, quakes$lat, group = quakes$stations,
    clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(maxClusterRadius = 5,transparent=TRUE,singleMarkerMode=TRUE,zoomToBoundsOnClick=FALSE,
        iconCreateFunction=JS(paste0("function(cluster) {
            var c = ' marker-cluster-small';
            var html = '<div style=\"background-color:rgba(","#FF00DB",")\"><span>' + cluster.getChildCount() + '</div><span>'
            return new L.DivIcon({html: html, className: 'marker-cluster' + c,iconSize: new L.Point(40, 40) });
