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spring messaging `@ConnectMapping` not called for routes

bseber opened this issue Β· comments

hey o/

not sure if I'm right here 😊
(Just thought so since it works in a plain Java App. see here )

I've got a java (spring) controller with a ConnectMapping for a custom route:

public class WsController {

    public Mono connect() {
        System.out.println("Never called :-(");
        return Mono.empty();

The JavaScript RSocketClient sends the setup frame with the custom route:

const client = new RSocketClient({
    serializers: {
        data: JsonSerializer,
        metadata: JsonSerializer,
    setup: {
        keepAlive: 999999,
        lifetime: 999999,
        dataMimeType: "application/json",
        metadataMimeType: "message/x.rsocket.routing.v0",
        payload: {
            metadata: String.fromCharCode("setup".length) + "setup"
    transport: new RSocketWebSocketClient(
            debug: true,
            url: `ws://${}/rsocket`,


But WsController#connect is never called.
It works, however, with a default @ConnectMapping and not sending a payload within the setup frame.

I've added a sample project that can be found here:

Should it work with the custom route? Do I have to configure the RSocketClient somehow?

I"m getting the same issue when I use composite metadata

url: `ws://${}/rsocket`,

url: ws://${}:{port}/rsocket,
i think that you need insert ws's port to url

I use wss so I don't think thats the issue

I use wss so I don't think thats the issue

i'm getting same issue when using composite metadata but no problem with Seber's issue

@baudiachatb indeed, includes the port. in my example app that would be 8080. however using the hard coded "ws://localhost:7000/rsocket" url still doesn't work.

did you checkout my example project? or do you have a working example? would be nice if this "just works" and I just have a stupid error on my side :-)

I use wss so I don't think thats the issue

i'm getting same issue when using composite metadata but no problem with Seber's issue

Did you use the code from @bseber exactly as he posted it? If not can you post your code here? Maybe we were missing a little piece.


Any news about this problem? Maybe it must be opened on the spring project?

Hi all,

The issue here is a few things:

  • It's best to use composite metadata when defining a route
  • When using composite metadata, it's important to use IdentitySerializer for metadata

IdentitySerializer will pass the value of metadata through as-is, without any modification. This is important as the value for metadata is already encoded as it should be from encodeCompositeMetadata(...).

Please see for example changes, and please let me know if this clears up any confusion and addresses the issues you were experiencing.

import {
    encodeRoute, MESSAGE_RSOCKET_ROUTING, encodeCompositeMetadata, IdentitySerializer
} from "rsocket-core";
import RSocketWebSocketClient from "rsocket-websocket-client";

const client = new RSocketClient({
    serializers: {
        data: JsonSerializer,
        metadata: IdentitySerializer,
    setup: {
        keepAlive: 999999,
        lifetime: 999999,
        dataMimeType: APPLICATION_JSON.string,
        metadataMimeType: MESSAGE_RSOCKET_COMPOSITE_METADATA.string,
        payload: {
            metadata: encodeCompositeMetadata([
                [MESSAGE_RSOCKET_ROUTING, encodeRoute("setup")],
    transport: new RSocketWebSocketClient(
            debug: true,
            url: "ws://localhost:7000/rsocket",

nice, thanks @viglucci!