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Assertion Exception when parsing grammar

ssrmm opened this issue · comments


The following grammar produces an assertion error during parsing (i.e. showing a modal modal dialog that has to be clicked away):

namespace Test
  syntax module Test
    using Nitra.Core;

    syntax Expression = (Foo ';' nl)+;

    token Foo
      regex Foo = "foo";

I'm not really sure if that's actually a supported syntax. But either way it should behave differently: If it is syntactically valid, it should work; if it isn't, there should be an error at compile-time, not an assertion error at runtime.

As a side-note:

token Foo = Foo
  regex Foo = "foo";

does work, so it seems reasonable to me that the shorthand syntax should be valid as well.

Stacktrace of the assertion:

at Nitra.Internal.Recovery.TokenChanges..ctor(Int32 inserted, Int32 deleted) in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Internal\Recovery\TokenChanges.n:Line 25.
at Nitra.Internal.Recovery.RecoveryParser.InsertSubrules(Int32 maxPos) in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Internal\Recovery\RecoveryParser\RecoveryParser.Insert.n:Line 47.
at Nitra.Internal.Recovery.RecoveryParser.RecoveryFromAllErrors() in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Internal\Recovery\RecoveryParser\RecoveryParser.n:Line 126.
at Nitra.ParseSession._N__N_lambda__33699__33715.apply_void(IParseResult parseResult) in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Parsing\ParseSession.n:Line 82.
at Nitra.ParseResult.ParseImpl() in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Parsing\ParseResult.n:Line 116.
at Nitra.ParseResult.Parse() in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Parsing\ParseResult.n:Line 70.
at Nitra.ParseSession.Parse(SourceSnapshot sourceSnapshot) in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Parsing\ParseSession.n:Line 106.
at Nitra.ParseSession.Parse(String sourceText) in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Parsing\ParseSession.n:Line 88.
at TesstApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in d:\<...>\Program.cs:Line 24.

Stacktrace of the Nitra.ParsingFailureException that is produced afterwards, probably as a result of the failed assertion

Unexpected token: 'a'
   at Nitra.ParseResult.ParseImpl() in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Parsing\ParseResult.n:Line 130.
   at Nitra.ParseResult.Parse() in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Parsing\ParseResult.n:Line 70.
   at Nitra.ParseSession.Parse(SourceSnapshot sourceSnapshot) in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Parsing\ParseSession.n:Line 105.
   at Nitra.ParseSession.Parse(String sourceText) in C:\NitraBase\Nitra\Nitra\Nitra.Runtime\Parsing\ParseSession.n:Line 88.
   at TesstApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in d:\<..>\Program.cs:Line 24.

I've used the following test program along with a configuration entry that "redirects" the error message of the popups to a logfile (see

using System;
using Nitra;
using Nitra.ProjectSystem;

namespace TesstApp
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("> ");
            var input = Console.ReadLine();

            while (input != string.Empty)
                    var session = new ParseSession(Test.Test.Expression, compilerMessages: new ConsoleCompilerMessages());

                    var result = session.Parse(input);

                    if (result.IsSuccess)
                        Console.WriteLine("Parsing succeeded!");
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Parsing failed!");

                    Console.WriteLine("PrettyPrint: " + result.CreateParseTree());
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("An exception of type {0} was not handled.", e.GetType());

                Console.Write("> ");
                input = Console.ReadLine();