rrweb-io / rrweb-snapshot

rrweb's snapshot and rebuild module

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Problem with recording html tags

mpstv opened this issue · comments


Hello everyone.
(This issue duplicate rrweb-io/rrweb#225)
I found a problem with recording html elements and styles when using angular.
The bottom line is, angular components create html markup, like this:

<app-some-component _ngcontent-qah-c12="" _nghost-qah-c11="">
  <p _ngcontent-qah-c11="">some-component is visible!</p>

When recording events it will transform to regular div instead of an element.
You can use this repository to reproduce and debug.


Thanks for the PR!


Thanks @Yuyz0112
Is there any plans to release that improvement via npm and then update rrweb?

Hi! thanks for the fix. We also need this, is it possible to publish a release?


@Yuyz0112 we are really looking forward to the release :)


@orelb @mpstv sorry for the late.

This fix has been released in rrweb-snapshot@0.7.27 and rrweb@0.8.1


Thank you @Yuyz0112 !