rpavlik / VUE

Visual Understanding Environment - updating, build system cleanup, and cherry-picking commits from various forks/branches

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Black theme on KDE

SGmuwa opened this issue · comments



I propose a solution of the work space: when detecting a dark theme, enable inversion of the brightness of colors (not to be confused with the inversion of colors).
I do not know how to fix invisible texts on the palette.

Hmm. Does this happen without any code changes? Makes me think it's the GTK look-and-feel theme. (see VUE@2825eeb)

Unfortunately, I know very little java - just enough to barely drag this project's build into the future. Hopefully someone else will come along who can help. You might be able to override the default Swing theme from the command line.

Does the command line argument -skip_custom_laf fix things?

Does the command line argument -skip_custom_laf fix things?


Java 14 (1411), 68ccf29

  1. ./VUE 2>&1 | tee /tmp/vue.log
  2. ./VUE -skip_custom_laf 2>&1 | tee /tmp/vue-skip_custom_laf.log

I tried to run the English version, however I failed with LC_ALL:

Error: Could not find or load main class tufts.vue.VUE
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: tufts.vue.VUE

My mistake: I ran LC_ALL=C in my ~/Загрузки/vue. The path contains Russian letters. I put in /tmp/vue folder and vue worked with LC_ALL=C.

Palette still without text. The -skip_custom_laf flag didn't change anything.

ah, rats. If it worked with the old (official) versions, then it's probably the gtk laf, I could add a switch to disable that one specifically.