rozbb / hiciap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hidden Common Input Aggregate Proofs

This repo is the Rust implementation of the HICIAP protocol described by the SNARKBlock anonymous blocklisting system (paper). In short, this crate allows you to

  1. Aggregate multiple Groth16 proofs into a single succinct aggregate proof
  2. Show that each aggregated Groth16 proof shares a common input. This means that you can aggregate proofs of the form "k is signed by Bob and P(k, xᵢ)" where k is the (hidden) common input, P is some predicate, and xᵢ is the public input to the i-th proof.
  3. Link multiple aggregate HICIAP proofs together, i.e., show that several HICIAP proofs all use the same k value

For example usage, see the test_hiciap_correctness test in src/

How to construct compatible Groth16 proofs

To use HICIAP, the inputted Groth16 proofs need to have the correct format: the "hidden common input" MUST be the first public input to the Groth16 proof. Yes, it's a public input, but it's hidden in the aggregate. Thus, the "prepared public inputs" used by the verifier are all the public inputs besides the first one.

See the HashPreimageCircuit in src/ for a concrete example.


  • Use the optimized GIPA protocol for HMIPP rather than the unoptimized one. This would allow us to only blind log-many elements of C rather than all of them
  • Make a nice interface for padding proof inputs
  • Make a nice interface for updating HICIAP commitment and verification keys


This code has not been audited in any sense of the word. Use at your own peril.


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Language:Rust 100.0%